Complaints Procedure

Edinburgh Women’s Fiction Festival (‘EWFF’) strives at all times to deliver a high quality experience underpinned by our aims and values and to meet the needs of our audiences, speakers, staff, volunteers, and all other stakeholders.

This Complaints Procedure operates across all aspects of our work. It applies to any formal or informal matter of concern expressed verbally, or in writing, to / from any member of audiences, speakers, staff, volunteers and all other stakeholders.

EWFF welcomes complaints when the services provided have not met expectations or needs. We are always very pleased to hear your views so that we can take steps to make our festival better.

How to make an informal complaint about EWFF:

In the run-up to the festival, we can only be reached via email or social media. Please email us on or get in touch via Twitter @edwomensficfest or Facebook at Edinburgh Women’s Fiction Festival or Instagram edwomensficfest.

Over the Festival weekend, please speak to a member of staff or festival volunteer who will, if possible, deal with your concerns there and then. They will in turn inform the Festival Director of your complaint and the outcome will be recorded in the Complaints Register.
If you remain dissatisfied after these discussions, you are invited to write to the Board of Trustees, or get someone to write on your behalf, setting out the matter(s) of concern.

How to make a formal complaint to EWFF:

Please write to EWFF:

The Board of Trustees, 29 Howe Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6TF

Or email:

What we will do once we receive your complaint:

EWFF staff will record receipt of your letter or email in the Complaints Register and acknowledge it by return of post. An investigation will be carried out by staff not directly involved in the cause of the complaint. If appropriate, the Board of Trustees will be involved in the investigation, and if necessary someone external to the organisation. After carrying out the investigation, this person will report to the Board of Trustees who will take any necessary action. We aim to keep any complainants fully informed of the outcome of their complaint.